
Through the Pennsylvania Chamber Benefits Consortium’s group purchasing power, you get access to a unique, self-insured program that lowers your costs by managing claims and eliminating risk charges, premium taxes and excessive expense charges. Developed and administered by PA Chamber Insurance and The Benecon Group, consortium members benefit in four areas:


  • Leverage lower carrier administrative costs
  • Achieve immediate savings from initiatives that control claim costs
  • Stabilize your annual healthcare costs


  • Customize what benefits you offer your employees
  • Keep your current health insurance carrier
  • Better manage your health insurance by understanding the cost drivers and how to design changes that lower those costs
  • Benefit from renewals which are controlled by actuaries that work for you


  • Know where every dollar is spent for claims and administration
  • Learn what is causing your claim utilization through more detailed claims data
  • Know how your rates are developed and what’s driving your next renewal


  • Stable and consistent pricing from year to year
  • Enjoy significant protection when experiencing a “bad” claim year
  • Shift financial returns to your business instead of the carrier

With additional protection from ConnectCare3, Financial and Actuarial and Compliance Services, your company reaps the benefits of a comprehensive benefit solution.

For more information contact Katrina Price, Client Services Director | 717.260.1024 |

PA Chamber Insurance can also quote and recommend other self-insurance programs that are available directly from many of our health insurers.